you are a multi-passionate creative entrepreneur girly who feels constantly overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list

i get it.

but It's time to break free from the burnout cycle and embrace a life that nourishes your mind, passions, and soul.

Introducing that girl Soulful journal,

A powerful tool designed specifically to help creative girlies like you who crave balance between life+work+soul and want to live their dream soft life.

inside that girl journal

  • No more mindlessly filling up a generic to-do list!

    That Girl Journal guides you to plan with purpose and intention.

    This planner becomes your personal compass, helping you make mindful choices and stay aligned with your values and dreams

  • With the Soulful Planner, you'll embark on an incredible journey of self-discovery.

    Identify your passions, talents, and dreams, and learn how to align them seamlessly within your daily life.

    Say goodbye to the scattered chaos of juggling multiple interests and responsibilities.

    This planner empowers you to prioritize and create a harmonious balance between your various passions, nurturing your soul every step of the way. ❤️🔥

  • It's time to leave burnout behind and embrace a life that feeds your soul!!!!.

    seriously though.

    That Girl Journal is your trusted companion on this path to fulfillment.

    Join the movement of multi-passionate creative who are reclaiming their power, nurturing their passions, and living their dreams with intention.

  • shadow prompts to help you overcome limiting beliefs that keep you stuck

  • find & Define your goals, both big and small, and learn how to break them down into actionable steps.

  • Incorporate self-care practices, spiritual rituals, and wellness activities that support your mental and physical well-being.

you deserve to live the life you pin on your moodboards.


you deserve to live the life you pin on your moodboards. 〰️

Gone are the days of hustling and burning out.

Malu teaches you to embrace the soft life philosophy on this journal where It's all about finding joy, peace, and fulfillment in your daily pursuits.

Let go of unrealistic expectations and embrace self-compassion, while still accomplishing your goals.

That Girl provides gentle reminders to slow down, breathe, and savor each moment.

Remember, you have the power to design a dream life that feels nourishing, fulfilling, and aligned with your unique values & passions

HOW TO use the journal

1 - Download :)

Once the planner is live, download by clicking the link below! You can leave your email and we will let you know when the planner is live! Stay Tuned

2 - CHOOSE your journaling method!

You can use apps such as Notability, Goodnotes or whatever you use to open and write over your pdfs! You can also print it out and use the planner on the old school style.


That’s it! Once you open your planner on your favorite app you can start journaling your dream life. Remember that living your best dream life starts with understanding and believing in yourself, your dreams and aspirations but you also need a plan and journaling in a planner carefully made for you, surely helps.

be the first to know when the planner is available!

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